Garlic Chicken Fried Rice


Prepare the Rice: If you haven’t done so previously, prepare the jasmine rice in accordance with the directions provided on the box. The rice that is a day old is the most effective since it has a small dryness and does not clump together.

The chicken should be diced, which means that the chicken breast should be cut into bite-sized pieces.

To prepare the veggies, mince the garlic, cut the onion very finely, and ensure that any extra vegetables that you want to add are ready to go.

2. Prepare the Chicken for Cooking

First, heat one tablespoon of vegetable oil in a big pan or wok over medium-high heat. This will let the oil to heat up.

Salt and pepper the chicken before adding it to the pan. Cook the chicken by adding the chicken that has been diced. Cook for about five to seven minutes, or until the chicken is browned and cooked all the way through. Put the chicken in a separate bowl after removing it from the pan.

Sauté the vegetables as the third step.

Incorporate Additional Oil: Next, incorporate the remaining two tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan.

To sauté the garlic and onion, add the garlic that has been minced and the onion that has been chopped to the pan. For around two to three minutes, sauté the onion until it becomes aromatic and transparent.

Incorporate the Vegetables: Incorporate the frozen peas and carrots, along with any other vegetables that you choose to use, into the pan. Add another two to three minutes of cooking time until the veggies are cooked.

Fourth, scramble the eggs in a bowl.

In order to make a well in the middle of the pan, remove the veggies from the edges of the pan and push them to the sides.

To prepare the eggs, pour the eggs that have been softly beaten into the well. The eggs should be scrambled until they are completely cooked, and then they should be combined with the veggies.

Process Number Five: Mix and Season

Add the Rice and Chicken: After the rice has been cooked, add it to the pan along with the chicken that has been browned.

Include the soy sauce, oyster sauce, and sesame oil in the dish before seasoning it. Combine everything by stirring it until it is completely incorporated and cooked thoroughly.

Make Adjustments to the Seasoning: If necessary, taste the dish and make adjustments to the seasoning by adding more salt, pepper, or soy sauce.

Step 6: Decorate and Serve the Dish

Incorporate Green Onions: Just before serving, incorporate the green onions that have been chopped.

To add an additional layer of flavor, you might choose to garnish the dish with more green onions, sesame seeds, or a sprinkle of sriracha pepper.

7th Step: Have fun!

While it is still hot, serve the Garlic Chicken Fried Rice either as a main dish or as a side dish to compliment other meals that are influenced by Asian cuisine.

Recipes for the Perfect Fried Rice with Garlic and Chicken

Make use of rice that has been prepared the day before: freshly cooked rice may be too sticky and wet for fried rice. Rice that is a day old is drier and has a texture that is more suitable for frying.

High Heat: Cooking the rice over high heat helps to keep it from being mushy and gives it a subtle crispiness that contributes to its overall texture.

As the procedure advances rapidly, it is important to prepare everything in advance. Before you begin cooking, make sure that all of your items are prepared and ready to go.

Adapt: You are free to adapt the recipe to your preferences by adding your preferred veggies or protein alternatives, such as shrimp or tofu.

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