How to Grow Peppers at Home: The Secret to Bountiful Production


Now you should start spreading the pepper seeds in the soil you put in the pot and water them once a day: after three days, you will only notice small green shoots.

Remember to place the pot with the pepper seeds in a cool, bright, but not too bright place, where the sun’s rays do not directly reach the sprouts.

What happens after just seven days is even more amazing: the seedlings have now formed roots and are ready to grow again. So place the pot in a warm and bright place and do not forget to water the soil at least once a day.

After 15 days from the first planting, you can add an organic or organic fertilizer to help the plants grow faster. If you want large, healthy peppers with a bright natural coloring, you should always keep the plant in a sunny place and water it daily.

On the other hand, if there is no sun, the plant becomes large but weak and breaks easily, thus blocking the production of pepper. Pepper is a plant that needs nutrients, so do not forget to fertilize it at least once every 14 days.

After 25 days, the plants are already large enough to be pruned and planted in separate pots. Take as many pots (smaller) as there are plants in which to bury. Fill them with moist and fertilized soil, make grooves and bury the plants. Always water regularly at least once a day. After a month, you will see the first colorful peppers on your plants!

Tips for a healthy and lush pepper plant
To have a pepper plant that gives you a lot of fruit, you must follow these tips.
Always remember that:

You must water your pepper plants at least once a day, every day;
The best time to water is early in the morning;
The ideal temperature for growing peppers is between 21° and 32°.
If you follow our advice and apply the technique we have explained to you, you will have no problems: your pepper plants will grow strong and healthy, but above all you will have an organic and abundant harvest.



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