I’m sure you won’t know what it is. Go ahead and prove me wrong (if you can)


The Hercules vacuum cleaner was a very elegant and sophisticated machine at the time. The one pictured above was covered in crocodile skin, making it quite an expensive purchase. What made it an even more luxurious item was that it was sold during the Great Depression – a time when many families were not even able to make ends meet, let alone by a Hercules . [1] If you knew what this object was, try showing it to your children and see if they can guess! They certainly won’t know what it is!

Did you know that the humble broom wasn’t even perfected until the year 1797? A Massachusetts farmer decided to create one that worked properly after seeing his wife struggle to sweep. Soon his broom, known as broom, became a household name. Of course, over time, people have become lazier! A few new sweepers and brooms came and went, and it wasn’t until the 1860s that Daniel Hess created the first real vacuum cleaner. According to his patent: “The nature of my invention is to suck fine dust and dirt through the machine by means of a current of air. »

continued on next page


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