Mini buns with chicken stuffing


Step 1: Prepare the Dough
Activate the Yeast: In a large mixing bowl, combine the warm milk, sugar, and active dry yeast. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes until frothy.
Mix the Dough Ingredients: To the yeast mixture, add the melted butter, beaten egg, and salt. Gradually add the flour, mixing until a soft dough forms.
Knead the Dough: Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 8-10 minutes.
First Rise: Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with a damp cloth, and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour.
Step 2: Prepare the Chicken Stuffing
Cook the Vegetables: Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add onions, garlic, bell pepper, and carrot, and sauté until softened.
Add Chicken and Seasonings: Stir in the cooked shredded chicken, peas, soy sauce, and tomato sauce. Cook for a few more minutes until well combined. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Set aside to cool.
Step 3: Assemble the Buns
Form the Buns: Once the dough has risen, punch it down and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Divide the dough into small pieces (about the size of a golf ball).
Stuff the Buns: Flatten each piece into a disc, place a spoonful of the chicken mixture in the center, then gather the edges and pinch to seal. Place seam-side down on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
Step 4: Second Rise
Let Rise Again: Cover the stuffed buns with a clean kitchen towel and let them rise for another 30 minutes.
Step 5: Bake the Buns
Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
Apply Egg Wash: Brush the tops of the buns with the beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds if using.
Bake: Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
Step 6: Serve
Cool and Serve: Let the buns cool slightly on a wire rack before serving. They are best enjoyed warm.
Mini buns with chicken stuffing are not only fun to make but also incredibly versatile and perfect for any occasion. They pack a flavorful punch in each bite and can be customized with different fillings to suit your taste. Enjoy these warm, stuffed buns with a side of your favorite dipping sauce for a delightful snack or meal.


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