Oat Water To Deflate The Stomach And Burn 4 Kg Per Week


Do you know what the oatmeal diet is?

Having become more popular in recent years, its benefits are often ignored.

We all know oatmeal for its use in porridge in the Anglo-Saxon diet, but this cereal has multiple virtues to help with weight loss.

Oatmeal, a good slimming ally to lose belly fat
A portion of oatmeal with a little milk only provides 140 calories, while being rich in slimming and health benefits.

Low in calories and rich in soluble fiber (8.5 g per 100 grams), protein (15g) and “good” whole carbohydrates (58g), they not only allow you not to be hungry for several hours, but also promote transit and digestion, and thus help to have a flatter stomach.

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