Powerful trick to remove mold from the wall: easy, simple and cheap


850 ml of water (base of the mixture)
150 ml of vinegar
2 tablespoons of detergent
Preparation and application, step by step:
Mix the ingredients: In a large container, combine the water and vinegar. The vinegar is crucial to combat mold, while the water dilutes the mixture to make it easier to apply. If the wall is particularly dirty and requires scrubbing, add detergent to the mixture.
Transfer to an application container: To make application easier, it is recommended to transfer the mixture to a spray bottle or similar container. A funnel can help in this process, avoiding waste.
Prepare for cleaning: In addition to the mixture, have a sponge or scouring pad on hand, and a brush if the wall is textured. These tools will help effectively remove mold.
Application: Dampen the sponge in the mixture and apply it to the moldy areas, using circular movements. For textured walls, after initial application with the sponge, use the brush to reach deeper parts of the texture.
Finish: After application, rinse the area with clean water to remove possible residue from the mixture and mold. For smooth walls, a damp cloth can replace the sponge when applying and removing.
Ventilation: Before and after cleaning, make sure the room is well ventilated. This will not only facilitate drying, but will also prevent the formation of new mold colonies.
Perform a preliminary test: On colored or specially finished walls, perform a test on a small hidden area before using the mixture to ensure it does not cause discoloration or damage.


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