Which car has priority? Even the most experienced will be lost


At a T-junction it is important to know how priority works. In practice, when approaching this intersection, it is important to know that in three-vehicle traffic conditions priority must be given to the vehicle which cannot turn;.

Therefore, vehicles that must turn right or left must let the car pass which must continue straight. After the car passes; which must continue straight, must first let the car which must turn left pass, then the car which must turn right.

In this situation, priority on the road belongs to the car which must continue straight, only then can the others turn. According to the highway code, the car that must turn right is the one that can pass the T-shaped intersection last, if there are no signs indicating otherwise. For those who do not respect the highway code; it must be said that this is the case with the right of priority;, Art. In accordance with article 145 of the Highway Code, they risk a fine of up to six hundred euros, a withdrawal of five points from their driving license and a suspension of their driving license for a maximum period of three months.

Priority at an intersection in four directions

continued on next page


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